As we grow individually in our relationship with Jesus Christ, Living Hope Lighthouse also promotes healthy Christian relationships with each other. We help people to create and build lasting relationships through various facets: from social events and fellowship luncheons to prayer ministry and caring for our congregants in many other ways. LHL is a family.
Social Events and Fellowship Luncheons
Our family plays together. That is why we plan a variety of social events and group outings throughout the year. These include anything from movie nights to going to see a Christian comedian or an Ironpigs game. Here at LHL, we love to eat! Therefore, we organize many congregational luncheons for everyone to enjoy. We frequently host pot luck meals in our Fellowship Hall as a way for everyone to get to know one another better; as well as throw an annual church picnic at Knoebels and plan other food centered events like the Easter morning breakfast. We are expanding our "menu" of ideas and it's exciting to watch these visions materialize as we get to know each other better.
LHL Prayer Ministry
Our family prays together. Prayer is our direct line of communication with God, so prayer is vital to LHL. We have multiple prayer groups that meet throughout the week to pray for those in our church family, for their friends and family, for our community, for our nation and for our world. Don't be surprised if you receive a greeting card for any occasion from one of these prayer groups. It's one way we can celebrate the joyful moments of life with you as well as support and encouage you through the difficult trials of life. If you are in need of prayer, LHL is here for you. Come and visit our LHL Community Prayer Garden located on 3rd St. in front of the church or you can send an e-mail to and we will pass your prayer concern or praise along to our prayer warriors.
LHL Care Team
Our family stays together. The LHL Care Team cares deeply for our church family. We visit them, prepare and deliver food to them when they are ill or grieving, and care for them by helping to meet their spiritual, emotional and physical needs. We believe it is crucial to love our brothers and sisters in Christ because we have received and experienced the perfect, unfailing and unconditional love of Jesus firsthand.
We would love for you
to be part of our family!!